How WeightWatchers’ chief people officer solved a key HR challenge

WeightWatchers launched a significant internal transformation last spring after acquiring Sequence, a telehealth platform company. The acquisition propelled the traditional behavioral weight-loss business to expand into offering clinical health services, including access to doctors and prescription weight-loss medication.

The change also has required WeightWatchers’ executives to work faster and more collaboratively, an effort that Chief People Officer Tiffany Stevenson has been supporting and that has included facilitating quarterly in-person work sessions for more than 150 directors and senior executives.

In addition, Stevenson and her team developed a solution to the collaboration challenge—and found a way to pay for that solution. In a recent video interview with Human Resource Executive at the Elevate People, Ignite Change (EPIC) conference in Las Vegas, Stevenson describes how they created the initiative and reveals its impactful results.

Dawn Kawamoto, Human Resource Executive
Dawn Kawamoto
Dawn Kawamoto is HR Editor of Human Resource Executive. She is an award-winning journalist who has covered technology business news for such publications as CNET and has covered the HR and careers industry for such organizations as Dice and Built In prior to joining HRE. She can be reached at [email protected] and below on social media.