Sponsored White Papers

Incentivizing Health: Unlock the Power of Financial Rewards

Explore the behavioral economics behind why people gravitate towards unhealthy lifestyles and how financial incentives drive positive behaviors.

Why millennials and Gen Z want pet insurance

Understanding the motivations behind what millennial and Gen Z employees want at work—and how significant a role pet ownership plays in their lives—can help you navigate hiring and retention challenges.

Update your handbook with 2024 developments checklist

Keeping your employee handbook up to date is never an easy task. Use our newly updated checklist detailing new or changed compliance requirements based on laws that went into effect between January 1, 2024 and June 30, 2024 to easily update your handbook today.

The fast track to greater employee satisfaction

Discover an easy, high-impact way to increase satisfaction and improve the work experience.

Next-Gen HR Solutions: Integrating AI for Competitive Advantage

AI is here to stay. Learn how to use this technology to your competitive advantage.

Learn the secrets of the Pet Effect

Discover an easy, high-impact way to increase satisfaction and improve the work experience.

Next-Gen HR Solutions: Integrating AI for Competitive Advantage

How Generative AI is Reshaping the Future of HR Technologies AI solutions integrating prolific use of artificial intelligence and machine learning have become massively popular...

2024 Vacation and paid time off benefits by state

Use this chart to help you understand whether your jurisdiction allows caps on vacation accruals and use-it-or-lose-it policies.

A supervisor’s guide to addressing mental health at work

Poor mental health can affect the way people think, feel, and behave in all aspects of life, including the workplace. Mental health issues at work may not only affect performance and relationships, but may also lead to burnout, turnover, and more. Confidently address mental health and ensure wellbeing in your organization with our supervisor’s guide today. 

Discover the power of pet health insurance

The results are in: Offering pet health insurance increases satisfaction, reduces financial stress and helps workers of all ages reap the benefits of pet ownership. Learn the value of this benefit—and its impact on how companies are viewed—in our new white paper.