Tom Starner

Tom Starner is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia who has been covering the human resource space and all of its component processes for over two decades. He can be reached at [email protected].

When disaster hits, what is HR’s role in avoiding ‘confusion and chaos’?

Hurricanes are powerful reminders that HR needs to be proactive in planning for emergencies that affect their workforce.

With salary budgets at a 20-year high, what HR needs to know

A new WorldatWork survey finds that budgets continue to rise globally.

Late-stage cancer is rising; here’s why that’s HR latest challenge

Cancer overtook musculoskeletal conditions as employers' top healthcare cost driver in a new survey.

What can HR do about ‘quiet quitting’?

The catchy term is making waves in the world of work, but experts say managing disengagement isn't a new HR challenge.

Trying to keep talent in the fold? It’s time to think big picture

A new survey highlights just how comprehensive an employer’s approach to retention needs to be.

What HR needs to know about the growing push for pay transparency

As more states look to mandate pay transparency, experts advise HR leaders to be proactive in addressing the issue before they're forced to.

Desperate employers and remote hiring: A recipe for candidate fraud?

A data scientist suggests four best practices for avoiding costly fraud mistakes in remote hiring.

Recession or not, employers need to get better at hiring, not firing

New research finds that employees still intend to be job hunting even if the economy trends downward.

L&D is king today, but too many orgs may be making this mistake

Learning programs can be powerful for retention—if done right.

Do Starbucks, Amazon unionizations point to a coming trend?

The pandemic is largely behind the rise in unionization efforts, experts say.