Can Kindness Help Your Bottom Line?


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Just be nice–the simple mantra we were all told countless times as children is taking center stage at one company.

PwC’s Random Acts of Kindness campaign encourages employees and members of the communities it serves to share good deeds they’ve accomplished in an effort to spread good will and, ideally, lead to a more well workforce. The initiative is part of the company’s Be Well, Work Well program, which launched in 2017 with a holistic approach to workplace wellness.

“It’s all about everyday behaviors and habits focused on fueling our four dimensions of energy–physical, emotional, mental, spiritual,” says Anne Donovan, PwC U.S. people innovation leader. “This isn’t about working less–it’s about spending the time at work differently, so you can be your best at work, at home and beyond.”

The effort includes a “habit bank,” an online portal through which employees can select behaviors that promote wellbeing and track their progress. They also have access to wellbeing podcasts and blogs and a guided meditation app. An Energy Audit tool enables employees to track their investment in the identified workplace-wellness dimensions.

This fiscal year, PwC started a firmwide campaign for each dimension, with Random Acts of Kindness focused on the emotional angle.

“Even small acts of kindness can improve your mood and boost endorphin levels,” Donovan says. “Being kind to others is just a small way of paying it forward.”

PwC is keeping that message fresh in the minds of employees with office signage, internal communications and social media promoting the Random Acts of Kindness campaign. It was also the focus of a CNBC ad.

Those wishing to share a story about their good deed log on to the website, and submit their name and story, with submissions rolling in from around the globe so far. Stories have included:

  • purchasing food for police officers on patrol;
  • snow shoveling a neighbor’s driveway;
  • paying the bridge toll for the next driver;
  • sharing airline miles with a friend in need;
  • stashing money at bus stops to help commuters with their fares; and
  • transporting an injured bird for medical care.

No matter how large or small the act, do-gooders are encouraged to take pride in their contribution.

“Science has told us that kindness is contagious,” Donovan says. “Our staff have already told us how this has proven true for them and that it has brought them closer together.”

PwC aims to keep the site active for as long as people continue sharing their stories.

Jen Colletta
Jen Colletta
Jen Colletta is managing editor at HRE. She earned bachelor's and master's degrees in writing from La Salle University in Philadelphia and spent 10 years as a newspaper reporter and editor before joining HRE. She can be reached at [email protected].

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