Sponsored White Papers

4 ways to close the gender pay gap

After reporting your gender pay gap, what’s the next step? Get our free guide to address pay gaps through pay policies, job evaluation, performance...

The benefit smart companies are offering

Offering pet health insurance increases satisfaction, reduces financial stress and helps workers of all ages reap the benefits of pet ownership.

Sponsor content: To truly drive employee wellbeing, look to company culture

'Employee recognition programs contribute to a virtuous cycle, where a culture of wellbeing encourages greater recognition, and greater recognition reinforces a culture of wellbeing,' Workhuman researchers wrote in a recent white paper.

Sponsor content: How HR can center culture amid layoff fears

As layoffs gained steam last year, many examples cropped up of organizations that may not have strategically considered the cultural impact.

Sponsor content: The role of recognition in driving engagement, retention

To capture the business impact of weaving recognition into organizational culture, experts advise, start by acknowledging that employee recognition cannot be just an 'HR thing.'

Handbook Policy Management: How to Ensure Your Handbook Stays Relevant & Compliant

Is your handbook effective? Only if it's up to date. That's why it's critical to continuously review and update your handbook—a process known as...

Cendex: When to use External Reward Benchmarks

Find out how specialised providers offer a wealth of reward data, ensuring that you can find relevant information for any reward project you undertake....

The strategic CHRO: Redefining talent leadership for the digital age

In this insights report, we explore the role of the modern CHRO.

How To Improve Quality of Hire

Assessing quality of hire is hard. It’s easy to put on a show in interviews and exaggerate on resumes. In this research, you will learn how organizations can use technology to determine which candidates will make great employees.

The benefit smart companies are offering

Pet health insurance is a highly valued benefit that offers instant peace of mind for pet parents.