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3 questions to help HR support employee advocacy

Tyrone Smith Jr. of Udemy
Tyrone Smith Jr.
Author and speaker Tyrone Smith Jr. is the global director, head of people analytics and insights, at Udemy. He is also a self-proclaimed people analytics and future of work enthusiast, innovator and strategist.

COVID-19 shed a light on many modern problems and modern solutions alike. The importance of having a flexible work model, for example, quickly became clear. Other lessons might be somewhat less discussed, but certainly no less critical to success. Understanding how and why to invest in themselves, for example, is vital to employee productivity and happiness, especially when dealing with exceptional circumstances. The question many people face is how exactly to go about making this important investment. HR professionals have the ability to motivate the workforce to do exactly that.

Why should employees invest in themselves?

Employee health affects not only the personal lives of the workforce, but also their performance, culture, wellbeing, and presence in the workplace. Individuals who are running on fumes and have trouble focusing will likely be both less productive and produce lower quality work than those who are healthy and alert every day. Investing in themselves helps employees recognize their full potential and, in turn, offer their very best in their personal and professional lives. And this investment doesn’t only refer to physical or mental health, but also to specialized development. Ongoing training initiatives that help employees invest in their future success can also have a big impact on their work performance.

Why should HR professionals help employees invest in themselves?

Building strong relationships with employees by investing in their wellbeing and happiness is an important step in creating a loyal employee. Working through the pandemic was enlightening in its reminder that dedicated employees familiar with their jobs, their responsibilities and the expectations they are to meet are invaluable to the core of organizations. Instead of waving off high turnover due to burnout, HR can work to teach employees not only how to look after their own health, but also how to function even in high-stress positions.

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Boosting workforce wellness is a critical step to building strong and capable workplaces. Employees also tend to be the best brand ambassadors possible—treating them well helps ensure a steady stream of talent interested in joining for years to come.

How can HR professionals help employees invest in themselves?

Creating an environment that values employees as individuals is an important first step in helping employees help themselves. Create training initiatives and wellness opportunities to develop the workforce and enrich their in-office as well as out-of-office lives. The exact program terms might vary from organization to organization, but the core component should remain the same: encouraging employees to continuously better themselves.

Now is the time to rebuild business processes and cultures in a way that fosters employee wellbeing and development.

Related: Learn more about learning and reskilling for employees at the HR Tech Conference this fall in Las Vegas. Register here.