Matt Alder
Talent Acquisition and Innovation Consultant
What area of the HR function will be most impacted by emerging technologies, and why?
With so much change happening it is difficult to pick out one area, [but] recruiting is one function that deserves a special mention. There is potential for intelligent automation at almost every stage of the recruiting process and the key theme of the next few years will be the quest to get the optimal balance between machines and humans at each point.
What’s the single most dramatic shift you see happening in the HR tech space today?
I think we are seeing an inevitable shift that will put “talent experience” at the center of every employer’s HR Technology strategy. Realizing the potential of technology to offer a seamless personal experience at every stage of the talent lifecycle is mission-critical for the industry in the coming months and years. Integration, analytics, automation, design and machine learning will all play an important role.
In acquiring and implementing new technologies, what’s the one or two most common mistakes HR organizations make?
The biggest mistake I see companies make is not having a clear integrated strategy that covers all the aspects of HR which their technology implementation will cover. Very often while the technology can achieve specifically identified objectives it can also have unintended consequences for other areas if things aren’t thought through holistically.