Q&A with HR tech influencer Jen Benz


Jen Benz
Senior Vice President, Communications Leader
Segal Benz


In acquiring and implementing new technologies, what’s the one or two most common mistakes HR organizations make?

A common mistake is to underestimate the promotion, behavior change and change-management efforts needed to make the technology a success. Too many organizations consciously or unconsciously think “if we build it, they will come” and don’t plan for robust communication or the changes to workflow that are required. The result is a lot of great tools that go unused.

Another common mistake is focusing on the solution first instead of the business need. There are so many incredible new providers that it is easy to say “I want that!” before fully understanding the problem you’re trying to solve.

Are there certain strategies that are more effective than others when it comes to getting your workforce to use new HR technologies being put in place?

The best thing you can do is understand your workforce and then build technology to meet their needs. When you launch a new solution that solves a problem and helps people be successful, they are going to want to use it. Second, plan early so you have the resources to not just launch the new technology but drive ongoing adoption. A great way to drive adoption is to include high-value content that people want or need (like your employee discount, time card or scheduling). Finally, build in ways to gather user feedback so you can continuously improve the tools.

How is HR technology changing the way people work?

New technology is changing so much of our work and personal lives. HR technology is certainly impacting work in many of the same ways that consumer technology impacts our personal lives–making information more accessible, giving us smarter ways to accomplish things and connecting us with others 24/7.

It is important to remember that employees’ expectations are changing dramatically, and people have less patience for things that don’t work. New entrants to the workforce expect to have the same seamless experience at work as in the rest of their lives.
