What HR can do in 2025 to fix ‘broken’ corporate DEI strategies

Albemarle’s Melissa Anderson, a SHRM board member, calls DEI one of the "most controversial areas of the HR profession today" and sees opportunities for improving it in the year ahead.

4 new models of HR leadership excellence—and how to strive for them

HR Executive's recent What's Keeping HR Up at Night? survey found that stress continues to skyrocket among HR professionals. How is the added pressure facing HR leaders redefining the future of HR leadership?

The ‘secret sauce’ to great HR leadership? This CHRO has an idea

Eaton’s Ernest Marshall, Jr., a new Fellow of the National Academy of HR, says HR leaders need to keep moving the bar higher to pursue excellence, while keeping a pulse on how to challenge, reward and fulfill their teams.

HR in 2025: A tale of a continuing divided workforce

Newly named National Academy of HR Fellow Ernest Marshall Jr. of Eaton says HR leaders will need to be intentional next year about where to 'lean in' on hot-button issues, as social and political divides will continue to bring tension to the workforce.

Why HR needs to play a bigger role in ‘agitating’ for change

Newly named National Academy of HR Fellow Monique Herena of American Express says HR leaders must embrace their potential as change leaders to keep up with the challenges they will face in 2025.