7 Steps to Successfully Rolling Out a New HR Initiative


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Date & Time: Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 12:00 pm ET


Ben Brooks, PILOT Founder & CEO

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Have you recently signed a contract for a new HR program… great! What happens next? It is easy to feel beat down and exhausted after jumping through countless hoops to align stakeholders around a new initiative, especially if you had to fight a lot of messy red tape internally.

Unfortunately, signing on the dotted line is where the work really begins.

A recent McKinsey Global Survey found that 35% of financial benefit is lost in the implementation phase of adopting new technology – the greatest percentage of all phases of a digital transformation. This is compounded by findings from Forrester and McKinsey that suggest 7 in 10 projects will fail.

How can you prevent your project from becoming a statistic?

Join Ben Brooks, PILOT Founder & CEO, for an HR Executive webinar sponsored by VirginPulse on Thursday, January 26 at 12 p.m. ET. Ben will dive into his proven methodologies with 7 Steps to Successfully Roll Out a New HR Initiative.

  • Identify Your Champions
  • Start With the End in Mind
  • Define Success
  • Manage Expectations
  • Roll It Out With Flair
  • Remove Barriers
  • Think Sustainment

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