Helping People Thrive in the Now of Work

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Date & Time: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 2:00 pm ET


Jason Averbook, Co-founder and CEO, Leapgen

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It’s your mission to create a people-centered workforce experience that reinforces organizational purpose and culture. This is how you make people thrive, effective, happy, and committed. A thriving workforce is a required ingredient of a thriving business. Tuning into what shapes and supports the whole person is an important exercise in driving engagement and overall wellbeing.

But here’s where it gets stark: recent statistics, particularly those in Gallup’s State of the Global Workforce Report, indicate 7 in 10 employees are struggling or suffering rather than thriving in their overall lives.

Reimagining the modern workplace requires a fresh understanding of what people need, want, and value. Employers play an important role in helping people thrive in their day-to-day lives, and they’re leaning in harder than ever to organizational purpose, values-driven leadership, and culture to help people thrive. People want to work for a purpose, they want to drive and effect change to make the world better, and they crave inspired leadership.

A whole person approach to workforce experience and employee wellbeing puts people at the center of your people, culture, and technology strategies. It takes into account who they are, what they need and value, and what will make them most effective and happy.

Register for this webinar with Jason Averbook, CEO & Co-Founder of Leapgen, to help people thrive in the Now of Work. You’ll learn…

  • How HR, people and culture leaders can better understand what the workforce needs in order to thrive
  • How to connect the dots between organizational purpose and workforce experience
  • The role of leadership and organizational culture in supporting the whole person
  • How workplace giving and volunteering can bring a fresh approach to support a thriving, connected, engaged, and loyal workforce

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